
Join our musicians in celebrating Belgian-Moroccan migration! - 02/09/2024

Join our musicians in celebrating Belgian-Moroccan migration!

60 years ago, Belgium and Morocco signed a bilateral agreement on the employment of Moroccan workers in our country. This autumn, we will be celebrating this rich migratory history with parades and concerts in the centre of Brussels and in les Marolles. Together with our musicians and several partners, we invite you to join in the festivities with music, singing and dance!


▪️ BXL MAR’BEL 22/09 from 14h30-18h30 @ Brussels

Moroccan percussion, singing and dancing form the basis of a mobile street party on Car Free Sunday, 22 September. A large procession will set off from MolenFest at the canal to the centre of Brussels, with musical stops at the AB, the Grand Place as part of Folklorissimo and beursschouwburg.


LINE-UP: Remork & Karkaba feat. Brassa Horns, Fatmas de Belgica & some members of B’net Chaabi, Luc Mishalle & DJ Cheb Runner, Salamba and all participants of the participatory and educational workshops


A co-production by MetX & Folklorissimo in partnership with AB, beursschouwburg, MolenFest, Darna, HalfmOon, VK & Zinneke. With the support of the City of Brussels.


> Program and more info about BXL MAR’BEL on 22/09


▪️ Bab Gnawa 4/10 de 16h30 – 21h @ Marolles & MetX

Two weeks later, we’ll take these Belgian-Moroccan festivities to les Marolles. As part of Art+People, we’ll be organising a parade through the neighbourhood, followed by an evening programme with a film screening and concert at MetX.



– Parade Remork & Karkaba feat. Brassa Horns, Fatmas de Belgica & some members of B’net Chaabi, Salamba and all participants of the participatory and educational workshops

Screening of Merhaba Gnawa, a documentary on the Gnawas in Brussels with whom MetX is working, made by Sebastian Strycharski in co-production with Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles

– Concert Remork & Karkaba & Fatmas de Belgica


A co-production by MetX & Art+People in partnership with HalfmOon, Darna & VK. With the support of the City of Brussels.


> Program and more info about Bab Gnawa on 4/10


Wanna join us?

Together with our musicians you can learn to play Moroccan gnawa & chaabi rhythms on traditional percussion instruments. Here’s an overview of the free music workshops in collaboration with schools, neighbourhood centres and local partners in Brussels and Molenbeek:


▪️ Gnawa Workshops @ MetX with Driss Filali and Mohamed Saïd Akasri

– getting to know and learning Gnawa rhythms on krakeb (Moroccan metal castanets) and other percussion instruments brought along by participants

– Wednesdays from 19h30-22h

– DATES 04/09 – 11/09 –  18/09 – 25/09 – 02/10

!! the workshops on Wednesdays 18/09 & 02/10 are general rehearsals for the parades of 22/09 & 04/10!!

> More information and registrations:


▪️ Workshops Chaabi rhythms on Bendir & Ta’rija @ MetX with Laïla Amezian

– Tuesdays 20h30-22h

– DATES 3/09 – 10/09 – 17/09 – 1/10

> More information and registrations:


All these participatory and educational workshops are taking place with the support of the City of Brussels as part of the Folklorissimo and Art+People events.


📸 © Balder Deschildre



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